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Dr. Alain Salas
The Wellness Wheel
5742 North Broadway Street 
Kansas City MO 64118
  (816) 842 7246
"... you can achieve your goals and dreams 
and not leave them to chance." 
Dr. Alain Salas
 Cory C. Omaha, Nebraska
After just few meetings with Dr. Salas, I feel better than months of physical therapy and other more conventional methods.
Joann Guy, Parkville, MO.
I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 6 years ago. Now I’m 95% symptoms free! At age 68 I am virtually free of debilitating allergies that have plagued me since childhood.
Bill Jennings, Belton, MO
After going through Dr. Salas’ program and treatment for allergies, my energy level increased 10-fold, joint pain reduced by 95%, and most important my blood sugar reduced from the 360 mark to as low as 101.” 
Dr. Alain Salas
The Wellness Wheel
5742 North Broadway Street 
Kansas City MO 64118
  (816) 842 7246
DR ALAIN SALAS © 2020. All Rights Reserved